Marienbad is the second largest Czech spa. Directly in the city there rises the 40th The territory of today’s spa belonged to the Premonstratensian monastery in Warm, whose abbot KK Reitenberger monastic impulse doctor JJ Nehr early 19th construction of the first century spa. Based on the grand architect V. Skalnik were made based landscaping and parks that are now together with the numerous springs, represent the character of the city.
Marienbad is a traditional spa town, but also suitable for Prävenz and Kondizkur. For our guests we offer new applications in the spa bath.
Marienbad – Mariánské Lázně is traditional place for healing itself as well as preventive and physical condition healing treatment. We offer to our guests healing procedures in medical treatment house New Spas which is in the distance of approx. 1.200 m from holiday suites Apartment Barbara. It is a building of an architectonic interest which was open for spa guests in 1896 and became the healing treatment center immediate after the opening. New Spas priority is a use of natural sources as mineral waters and natural healing gas. Mineral waters bathing in New Spas have exceptional chemical compositions.
Mineral waters have high content of carbon oxide, high content of mineral substances and peat acid which is a main part of peatbog. This is an extraordinary composition. Carbon oxygen from bath is absorbed through the skin and improves blood circulation of all body parts. Baths put down blood pressure improve function of the heart and kidneys and improve blood circulation of the brain and lower limbs. Peat acid are the most important part of the peatbog and its presence in mineral water in New Spas is a rarity.
Mariánské Lázně - Marienbad
A stay in the world-wide known spa place is a possibility for a relaxation as well as many activities of so called active relaxation and pleasant experience form the visit to public and cultural activities.
We provide to our guests written information about all activities in Mariánské Lázně – Marienbad and its surroundings. At the hostess you can receive plenty of various information about possibilities of the trips which you can carry out on your own or which we can coordinate for you from an offfer of some of the travel agencies.
Marianbad is the ideal starting point for the Czech willing to go for a visit of interesting cities of Germany-either for the purpose of getting acquainted or shopping-Tirschenreuth, Bayreuth, Waldsassen, Marktredwitz, Weiden.

Surroundings of Marienbad
But for Czech and foreign guests there are enough beautiful places worthy visiting in 1 hour drive distance. It concerns mainly spa cities as Karlovy Vary – Karlsbad and Frantiskovy Lazne but alse less known Konstantinovy Lazne. Next famous targets are towns with remarkable history and beautiful historical buildings – Cheb, Loket.
Castles and chateaux are traditional trip aims and Marienbad surroundings is rich in those possibilities-chateau Kynzvart, chteau Becov upon Tepla, chateau Horsovsky Tyn, monastery Tepla, monastery Kladruby. Nature beauty lovers can be offered beautiful nature of near surroundings of Marianbad including many tourist paths but also extraordinary scenario of protected natural areas-Kladska, natural reserved area SOOS.
The centre of Cheb, a town with history reaching back to the middle-ages, is preserved as a historical monument. The Cheb castle – an exclusive example of Falc in our country with a unique twin chapel, built at the end of 12th century. Nowadays three preserved roman buildings are visitable: The Black Tower built of puff-stone, the twin castle chapel of St Erhard and Urshula and the remains of the palace with unique five-part roman windows. In the rooms inside the fortification you can see an archeological exhibition on the early history of the town. The Cheb castle is open from April to October.
Špalíček is the symbol of the Cheb’s square. Made of a bizarre complex of 11 houses, it is divided by Kramarska street. It was developing since the 13th Century at the place where there were originally shopkeeping booths and butchers´ shops.

Karlovy Vary
The world famous spa town is situated in a valley of the river Teplá. Its main riches is especially the hot springs, Vřídlo with its temperature of 73°C being the most famous one. The town was established in the 14th century and was named after Karel IV., Czech king and Roman emperor, who, as the legend puts it, came with the idea of establishing it.
Every year, the famous international film festival of central and eastern Europe takes place there.
Františkovy Lázně
Františkovy Lázně is the smallest spa town of the famous west-bohemian spa triangle. As well as Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázně it is very rich in natural mineral springs.
The spa was established in 1793 and until now it has been keeping its spa atmosphere with historical architecture and picturesque parks.
Since the summer of 2005 a new Aquaforum, a roofed aquapark with outdoor pools, has been opened.

Loket castle is the most distinctive landmark of the town of Loket, history of which reaches back into the middle ages. The town got its name after its position in the meander of river Ohře, which served as its natural fortification in the middle ages.
The town with its castle, the river and the surrounding forests give one of the most picturesque views in the Czech republic. Undergoing a thorough recent reconstruction, it is now open for its visitors. Inside the castle there is also a museum.
Kynžvart Chateau
The castle is standing on a place of a former fort from 16th century. Since 1623 the Kynžvart manor was owned by the Metternich family. Inside the castle you can see a large number of very interesting historical exhibits. Besides four altarpieces in the late-gothic style there is a library, which belongs among the most important aristocratic libraries in the Czech republic. The visitors can see the inside of the castle on a guided tour, including Metternich´s office, the library, billiard hall, castle saloons, mummies etc.
The castle is a unique example of a country representative residence built in the French Imperial and Viennese Classical Styles (architect Pietro Nobile).

Natural Reserve Kladská
National natural reserve peat-bogs Kladské rašeliny has been state-protected since 1933 and consists of three large forest peat-bogs: Tajga, Paterák and Lysina.
You can walk through the reserve taking the educational nature trail around the pond Tajga, learning about rare flora and fauna.
Teplá Monastery
The monastery of premonstrat order was established in 1193. During the period of its greatest fame it had a large property and greatly influenced the course of events in the region. It played the key role in establishing the spa town of Mariánské Lázně.
The preserved original parts of the monastery are a valuable example of romanesque-gothic architecture. On the turn of 17th and 18th centuries the monastery underwent important baroque changes. Its pride is a beautiful library, the second largest of its kind in the Czech republic. It houses over 100 000 books, out of which there are more than 1000 manuscripts.

Castle and chateau in Bečov nad Teplou
Bečov, with history reaching back to the 13th century, is situated in the valley of the river Teplá. Its main landmark is a complex of originally gothic castle and baroque chateau. A real jewel you can see there is the unique roman shrine of St. Moor from the 13th century, one of the most valuable jeweller memorabilia in the Czech republic. The shrine has a very exciting history: after being considered lost for a long time it was found under the castle chapel floor in 1985. It was renovated in the 90’s.
Jesenice Dam
One of the cleanest dams in the Czech republic, Jesenice nearby Cheb invites you to come camping, swimming, windsurfing and fishing. It is an ideal place for swimmers, surfers, divers and yachtsmen.
Kids have fun here, too, riding on the water slide or in their children corner. The dam is also a stop on the routes of palmipeds.